A Message from the Dean
Greetings from the University at Buff alo School of Management.
To survive and thrive in our rapidly changing business world, it is more important than ever to
be nimble, to innovate and to move at (or ahead of ) the speed of business. It's also critical for busi-
ness schools to do the same, as the world of management education continues to evolve.
In this issue of Buff alo Business, our cover story, beginning on page 10, showcases how graduates
have leveraged our expanded portfolio of dual and collaborative degree programs to complement
their unique skill sets with business savvy and truly diff erentiate themselves, making an impact
in their respective fi elds.
You can read about how our dedicated alumni are helping to prepare current students for the
realities of today's workplace through initiatives like the Silicon Valley Tech Trek (page 18)
and our 20th Network New York event (page 24).
And in Community Impact on page 6, you'll see how the Allstate Minority and Women Emerging
Entrepreneurs program, off ered through our Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership, has in-
spired three generations of women in their startup endeavors.
Our faculty continue to bolster the reputation of the school and add new knowledge to manage-
ment practice with their cutting-edge research. You can learn on page 20 if narcissistic players
help their NBA teams, and on page 21 how national trade policies could aff ect U.S. investors.
And while business is moving at an increasingly fast pace, determining what's right and wrong
can seem more nuanced than ever, as you can read on page 16 in Professor Jim Lemoine's article
about business ethics.
And fi nally, you can learn how successful alumni like Gregg Fisher of Gerstein Fisher and
People's United Bank (page 8) identifi ed needs in the marketplace to create a successful business,
and how James Cottrell of Coca-Cola (page 23) uses his fi nancial acumen to keep 1.9 billion Coke
products moving every day.
As you read of our progress and the promise of things to come, I am confi dent you will share the
enthusiasm for all that is unfolding before us. Thank you for all you do to support the school.
All the best,
Paul Tesluk
R E A D B U F F A L O B U S I N E S S O N Y O U R T A B L E T , M O B I L E D E V I C E O R T H E W E B A T M G T . B U F F A L O . E D U / B U F F A L O B U S I N E S S
Paul Tesluk