University at Buffalo School of Management

Buffalo Business - Fall 2023

The magazine for alumni and friends of the UB School of Management

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Dear Alumni and Friends, As I write this, we are engaged in a yearlong celebration marking the School of Management's centennial. What an honor it is to serve as dean at this milestone. From our humble beginnings in 1923, to the first BS in business administration we awarded in 1927, to the expansive portfolio of campus-based, hybrid and online programs we offer today, the School of Management is known for developing leaders around the world who make an impact on their respective businesses and communities. With more than 46,000 alumni in 87 countries, we are a nationally ranked business school in New York's public flagship university. Our world-class faculty develop theories, analyze data and bring new perspectives to some of the world's most pressing challenges. In this commemorative issue of Buffalo Business, you can read about the history of the school (page 6) and gain insights on our plans for the next 100 years (page 22). We also hope you will enjoy some special features, including the 100 voices beginning on page 14 highlighting the impact the school has had on our students, alumni and faculty; Alumni Close-Ups on pages 4 and 5; a touching Tale of Two Lunches on page 24; and more. We are truly grateful to those who laid our foundation in 1923, as well as to our faculty, staff and you, our alumni, who carry our legacy forward. Throughout the year we will have many opportunities (see page 2) for you to help us celebrate a century of business education and the impact our graduates continue to make every day. Best regards, Ananth Iyer Dean Message from the Dean R E A D B U F F A L O B U S I N E S S O N Y O U R TA B L E T, M O B I L E D E V I C E O R T H E W E B AT M A N A G E M E N T. B U F F A L O . E D U / B U F F A L O B U S I N E S S Iyer "We are truly grateful to those who laid our foundation in 1923, as well as to our faculty, staff and you, our alumni, who carry our legacy forward." ANANTH IYER

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