University at Buffalo School of Management

Buffalo Business - Fall 2023

The magazine for alumni and friends of the UB School of Management

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Autumn 2023 Buffalo Business 21 For me, the School of Management has represent- ed opportunity: first, as a graduate student, providing me the opportunity to develop the underlying knowl- edge base and skills necessary to become a CPA; and later, to return as a faculty member, allowing me the opportunity to contribute to the development of sub- sequent generations' accounting and business profes- sionals — a truly rewarding life. Ann Burstein Cohen, MBA '82, CPA Clinical Associate Professor Emeritus (1986-2021) I'm humbled and grateful for the opportunity to invest in the next generation as I serve on the faculty in our School of Management, coming full circle from my time years ago as a student and paying forward the mentorship and high-quality training I was blessed to have. Rose Hu, BS/MBA '09, CPA Clinical Assistant Professor (2018-present) Director, MS in Accounting Program (2021-present) My 42 years on the faculty were an exciting and mem- orable time, with great growth in the size, programs and reputation of the School of Management, and with the opportunity to know and work with so many great students and faculty colleagues. Ron Huefner, CPA SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus (1968-2010) 100 years! I marvel at the accomplishments of the School of Management community, past and present (students, alums, colleagues). I pinch myself every day that I get to work here and am incredibly excited for the start of the next 100 years, with all of the transformative changes currently taking place in research, practice and educational delivery. Charles Lindsey Associate Professor of Marketing (2006-present) In 44 years at the school, what I remember most is not the two buildings that we occupied, or the five offices I had, or the dozen or more classrooms I taught in. I remember the people: perhaps 10,000 students, 400 hundred or more staff, another 200-300 faculty, and a few hundred from other parts of the university. I count some as my closest friends yet today. I remember a number whose weddings I attended, and even a few whose funerals I attended. I remember the people. Frank Krzystofiak Associate Professor Emeritus (1977-2021) I came to the School of Management in 1974 expecting to stay two years. Well, I so loved the school and stu- dents that I stayed for 40 years. Many students keep in touch, including one that I had Black Friday break- fast with at Denny's for more than 30 years. Keep those cards and letters coming my friends! Jerry Newman SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus (1974-2013) Interim Dean (2001-02) 90 91 92 93 94 95 2 0 2 3 | 1 0 0 Y E A R S , 1 0 0 V O I C E S In 1978, I arrived at the School of Management, having failed out of another local school. Thirty-five years later, with AAS, BS and MBA degrees and employment as a graduate assistant, administrator and faculty member, it's impossible to imagine my life without UB. A young vagabond name of Ray Arrived at UB one fine day. After 35 years Through laughter and tears He's thankful y'all let him stay. Ray Orrange, BS '84, MBA '86 Associate Professor Emeritus (1992-2013) It is not the buildings, the pedagogy or even the profs; the students are the infrastructure for academia. G. Lawrence (Larry) Sanders Professor (1983-present) From my days as a nontraditional immigrant student to becoming a faculty member, the School of Management treated me as what I was supposed to be, and over 23 years has helped me become what I am capable of. My passion for promoting growth in my students and col- leagues is because of my own journey of growth and the sense of community I found in this school. I am blessed to enjoy the work I do and be able to do the work I enjoy. Dorothy M. Siaw-Asamoah, BS '03, MBA '05, PhD '12 Clinical Associate Professor (2012-present) Faculty Director, Global Programs (2018-Present) Director, Center for Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness (2023-present) Much like the Buffalo community it has called home for 100 years, the School of Management is a vibrant com- munity of students, alumni, faculty, staff and partners finding unique and impactful ways to drive business knowledge and education forward. Paul Tesluk Donald S. Carmichael Professor of Organizational Behavior (2011-2016) Dean (2015-2022) Without question, the opportunity to participate in the growth and development of the school's highly recog- nized international programs has been the highlight of my career. This experience has allowed me to collab- orate closely with outstanding former deans such as Joe Alutto and Arjang Assad to create many new study- abroad opportunities for our students and develop won- derful, lasting friendships with scores of international alumni. John M. Thomas Professor (1972-present) Interim Dean (1997-98), Dean Emeritus (2002-08) 96 97 98 99 100

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