University at Buffalo School of Management

Buffalo Business - Fall 2023

The magazine for alumni and friends of the UB School of Management

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24 Buffalo Business Autumn 2023 Joe Stewart's Brown Bag BY J. GRANT HAUBER. BS '48 The University at Buffalo did not have dormitories in those days, so we all lived off-campus. Whether you were a native Buffalonian or you came from out of town, you got a room somewhere around the university and you walked to school. Or, if you lived farther away, you took the streetcar. None of us had cars. I was living on a budget and allo- cated myself $1 a day for transporta- tion and meals: fieen cents for breakfast, five cents for lunch (which was a candy bar), twenty cents for bus fare, and sixty cents for my evening meal. When winter set in we needed more calories. So Howard Paul and I would go into the coatroom in Lockwood Hall (now part of Abbott Hall and the Health Sciences Library) and we'd Stepping Up C E L E B R AT I N G T H O S E W H O M A K E A D I F F E R E N C E A TALE OF TWO LUNCHES look in the larger-sized brown lunch bags. Joe Stewart lived at home and he usually brought three sandwiches, an apple and a couple of bananas. We'd take one of the sandwiches and maybe a banana. We would more or less borrow the lunch. I don't think Joe ever missed it. It kept us going. We didn't give the bag back to him empty — you needed to have some consideration and, aer all, the guy had to eat, too. And we vindicated ourselves: We would not violate the small bags. Was it stealing? Not really. Was it borrowed? Yes. Was it ever paid back? Yes, by admitting it to Joe Stewart years later. I didn't want to be an outright thief. It was a different age but I'm sure there are students on campus today who are up against it the same way a number of us were years ago. I don't think life changes that much; it's just that now there are a lot more students and these kinds of problems are covered over, so you don't see it. B oth Hauber and Stewart went on to successful careers in business and became generous benefactors to the S chool of Management. W hen plans for the school's Alfiero C enter were conceived, Hauber and his wife, Marcia, made a campaign- opening gift of $500,000. Stewart received UB's S amuel P. C apen Award in 1999, recognizing his meritorious contributions to the universit y, which included, with his wife, S ally, endowment of UB honors scholarships and creation of a technology-development fund. Though both Hauber and Stewart are now deceased, their legacies continue to benefit today's students. Hauber

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