University at Buffalo School of Management

Buffalo Business - Autumn 2017

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Autumn 2017 Buffalo Business 21 How to deliver stronger diversity training While workplace diver- sity training programs can build awareness of cultur- al differences, they usually are less effective at changing attitudes and behaviors, according to research co-au- thored by Kate Bezrukova, associate professor of organization and human resources. Published in Psychological Bulletin, the study found the success of diversity training varies based on content, length and the presence or absence of related initiatives. "In today's political climate, diver- sity training has the potential to make a huge positive impact in addressing bias- es and prejudice within organizations," Bezrukova says. "But training must be conducted thoughtfully. At best, it can en- gage and retain women and people of color in the workplace, but at worst, it can back- fire and reinforce stereotypes." Bezrukova and her team examined more than 40 years of research across a va- riety of fields. They found training had im- mediate positive effects on participants' knowledge, attitudes and behaviors toward diverse groups. Over time, however, their attitude and behavioral changes decayed or reverted, while their cultural knowledge remained consistent or increased. "The attitudes this training attempts to change are generally strong, emotion- driven and tied to our personal identities," she says. The study showed training works best when it is mandatory, delivered over an ex- tended time period, integrated with other initiatives and designed to increase both awareness and skills. In addition, partici- pants preferred programs with multiple in- struction methods. "It's critical to offer diversity training as part of a series of related efforts, such as mentoring or networking groups for minority professionals," Bezrukova says. "When organizations demonstrate a com- mitment to diversity, employees are more motivated to learn about and understand these societal issues and apply that in their daily interactions." Bezrukova's co-authors are Karen Jehn, professor, University of Melbourne Business School; Jamie Perry, assistant professor, Cornell University School of Hotel Administration; and Chester Spell, professor, Rutgers University School of Business-Camden. x Bezrukova " In today's political climate, diversity training has the potential to make a huge positive impact in addressing biases and prejudice within organizations" Kate Bezrukova Associate Professor of Organization and Human Resources

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