University at Buffalo School of Management

Buffalo Business - Autumn 2017

The magazine for alumni and friends of the UB School of Management

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Autumn 2017 Buffalo Business 19 group developed a five-year stra- tegic marketing plan and, this spring, created additional col- lateral material, including sev- eral one-pagers and a pitch deck leaders can use to spread their mission to state lawmakers, re- settlement agencies and other stakeholders. "Their project is a fantastic accom- plishment," says Anne Spisiak, CEL '10, executive director. "I could go somewhere tomorrow with a projector and present our story in an organized, visual way." Another team worked with Jericho Road Community Health Center, a nonprofit that serves more than 12,000 patients annu- ally, particularly refugees and low-income families. The students were tasked with developing a fee structure for the organi- zation's clinic in Sierra Leone, but quickly realized most locals could not afford to pay for services. Instead, they researched other potential revenue sources and developed a business plan for a social enterprise that would manufacture and distribute sanitary napkins for women. Mark Baetzhold, grant writer at Jericho Road, says that while the organiza- tion continues to assess various options, the students' plan appears to be the most feasible to implement. "The group was able to zero in on a particular opportunity and create a plausi- ble business plan, despite the challenge of gathering accurate information in a devel- oping world market," he says. "They were professional, responsive and produced a final product that will contribute to the growth of our social enterprise work." In addition, the students developed a greater understanding of how nonprofit and for-profit approaches can be used to- gether to address issues of global health and poverty. "For our clients, it's not about mak- ing money — it's about improving the lives of the people they serve," says Brandon Glasgow, a first-year MBA. "As consultants, we have the time and outside perspective to take on these projects, so they can continue to focus on their mission and make a mean- ingful impact." x — Matthew Biddle " The group was able to zero in on a particular opportunity and create a plausible business plan, despite the challenge of gathering accurate information in a developing world market." Mark Baetzhold Grant Writer Jericho Road Community Health Center From left, Celine Keefe, MBA '17; Ikey Ajavon, BS '15, marketing strategy specialist; Carly Battin, MBA '09, com- munications manager; Ellen Ragus, MBA '18; Mark Wilson, MBA '18; and Brendan McLaughlin, JD/MBA '19, in the Bak USA workshop. Photo: Tom Wolf

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